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Track Your Scout's Progress

on Scoutbook

Scoutbook is an internet-based tool that Pack 278 uses for keeping track of our members’ contact information, training, and advancement progress.  We also use it as a communication tool to send messages to each other, publish the pack calendar, and share information.


Each scout has a profile and advancement record which is maintained by the pack and the national BSA organization.  


As parents, you can participate by:

  • Keeping your personal profile up-to-date

  • Keeping your scout(s) profile(s) up-to-date. It’s important that each scout’s full name and date of birth matches those in the national BSA system (as submitted on the membership application) so that advancement is properly tracked.

  • Entering and monitoring advancement progress. As a parent, you can mark off requirements as ‘completed’. While each requirement must be approved by a scout leader before advancement is awarded, Scoutbook can help you keep track of what remains to be done to complete various ranks and merit badges. Requirements you’ve marked as completed have a green checkmark. Uploading notes, pictures, etc. can help you get approval for the requirement.

  • Individual Advancement Records are available for each Scout to see what’s been completed to date and what needs to be completed to advance to the next rank.


Scoutbook is easy to use and access from any internet-accessible device (PC, smartphone or tablet).

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